Woo hoo the new and limited shop is out.Just like LE it is limited but this time cheaper ! You can even buy , The hangers (now Stardoll definetly want money ! ) Art work , Rugs all aswell as the clothes !And even better there is some male clothes in there too ;) It came out yesterday and i do not know how much i left.
Hey guys. If you tell your friends about the blog i will send you an SS gift. Just pop in a comment writing who you told(depending on how many people you told)you will get a gift(S) Thanks! Also when we get 20 followers,I will give each follower a gift!
New layout(even though i liked the other one better) Emmm two playlists now. I dont know how to delete the other on =[ Please help or you will be listning to Just dance and Pokerface(not a good combination) So if you know how please help =] Thanks.
Lol XD Yeh I Know Everybody Uses The New Search Tool On Starbazzar. Well It Is Great To Compare Things Too! I Found Two Bags It Is Sorta Old And One person Was Selling It For 31 And Another For 2! Wowwwww!
Hey Guys! The New Limited Edition DKNY Necklace is out! It is really nice but it costs 24sd! I probably wont get it though =[ Also get it quick because it is only available for a week!!! O.o It's The ONE On The 'D' That Has 2 0 On It. Also new DKNY in Starplaza =] Expensive too though.... =/